25 ITEM Catering Services-Training for Training on RA 9184 and Its 2016 IRR
Date of Event: December 18 and 19, 2024
Time: 7AM to 5PM
Venue: BCDA Office
Php 1,200 per pax
Buffet Breakfast
AM Snacks
Buffet Lunch
PM Snacks
Overflowing coffee and flavored beverage
Date of Event: January 13 and 14, 2025
Time: 7AM to 5PM
Venue: BCDA Office
Php 1,200 per pax
Buffet Breakfast
AM Snacks
Buffet Lunch PM Snacks
Overflowing coffee and flavored beverage
Approved Budget for the contract is Php 120,000.00
Prospective suppliers who will bid above the ABC will be disqualified.
The contract shall then be awarded to the supplier with the Lowest Calculated Bid during the evaluation procedure.
Look for MS. APRIL JOY GONZALES for inquiries at tel. no. 575-1782/1700.